Monday, February 15, 2010

Seperation Anxiety in your pup pal!

There are certain types of dog books and tapes and shows that teaches we must as pup parents be the pack leader. In some ways this is true and could lead to separation anxiety in your dog. A dog still has a pack mentality and remember that the pack follower will never leave the pack leader. So when you leave, your pup sees you as leaving. He does not have the mental ability to reason out that you will be back. When leaving do not make a big deal out of, and make sure that your pup has enough exercise. Also even though they may whine or cry do not reward the bad behavior reward the good. If your dog has not been crate trained this might also help if your pup deals with separation anxiety by being destructive. Your household may have two dogs and if this is the case make sure that the crates are placed by each other. There are several good books on how to deal with these issues..just takes a little bit of time and patience. So if you are having these problems a trip to the library or Borders may be helpful! Have a pawsome day!

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