Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Between grooming your pup pal!

Hello Pawrents and Fur Pals,

Between grooming sessions it is important that you keep up with your dogs coat's needs . If you have a short haired pup it is a little easier, a coarse brush works fine and a nice ten minutes spent grooming helps the bond between you and your pal! If you have a long haired pup you may want a long-toothed comb. If you have a pup like a Pom or Cocker or Papillon you may take extra care of the hair around their ears. These long hairs can become quite tangled easy.
After a day playing outside it does not hurt to examine their pads for burrs or rocks. Plus when you brush your dog and feel his coat and pads if there are ever any bumps or anything out of the ordinary you will know! Now go and have fun with your pup:) Grooming by Melissa

Monday, March 29, 2010

Some more ingredients to be careful and aware of..

Hello Pawrents and Fur Pals!
Here is another section in what ingredients to look for that might be harmful to your canine fur kid!

  • Dry Blood Meal - a very inexpensive source of poor quality protein in some dog and cat foods. Very indigestible!

  • MSG - (Mono Sodium Glutamate) - flavor enhancer used to disguise inferior food quality. Known to potentially cause brain and eye damage. High percentage of allergic reactions in pets & humans.

  • Propyl Gallate - chemical used to retard spoilage and may cause liver damage.

  • Proplylene Glycol - OMG this is a chemical that is used in anti freeze and a solvent in brake fluids! Used as a preservative and a flavor enhancer in foods that makes them taste sweeter!

  • Sodium Nitrate - a carcinogenic preservative and color enhancer. Produces mutagenic changes!

  • Sodium Nitrite - harmful chemical preservative. A source of red coloring. Humans have died from overdoses!

Please keep an eye out for these harmful ingredients in your pet's food. Remember they need us to care for them. Plus you also need to keep in mind that corn, wheat, whey and soy are also major sources of food allergies and can cause hot spots in many pets!

Here's to many happy years with your pet pal!!

Grooming by Melissa

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Client Testimonial! Pommie Power!

Grooming by Melissa has been grooming Lola Belle and T Bear for almost two years now. I would never think of taking our dogs who are our "fur kids" to another groomer. They come home happy and are always well taken care of with Melissa!

Carole McCabe-Joy

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Look at these Golden Retrievers! Loyal and loving!

Dogs are your best friends and they will always be loyal to you! Look at these two!!

Grooming by Melissa - 702-756-5810

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

What is healthy to feed your pet? Awareness is the key!

Hello Pawprents and Fur Pals,
Even as we are all faced with tough economic times and there our choices to be made, please take a moment and look at the list below and see if the food that you are feeding your dog has any of the following ingredients. Remember that just as you would not eat processed or fast food every day neither should your pup pal.

Artificial Coloring - this should be a warning. This has no nutritional value and is used to entice the buyer. Can also cause some toxicity. Many humans have had allergic reactions to FD&C RED, YELLOW, No. 5 & No. 7 dyes.

BHA - a perservative and potentially dangerous to the kidneys

BHT - another perservative and more toxic to dogs than BHA

BY Products - of any kind. Defined in Webster's Dictionary "a derivative made from another product" and waste products such as air, connective tissue, feet, claws, beaks, tongues and eyeballs. YES these items could be in your pet's food!

Carcinogen - a cancer causing substance (sodium nitrate ETHOXYQUIN sodium nitrate.)

Corn syrup - this gives good a dampness and flexibility (as in some moist foods and treats) This is pure sugar and your pet can become "addicted" to it. Can also bring on "the finicky eater" syndrome.

Yes my fellow animal pawrents all of these are harmful and if you can avoid them please do. Coming later this week some more ingredients to look out for!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Importance of having a good groomer..almost like having a good doctor!

Hello Fellow Canine Pawrents and Furry Pals!

You may think that even in these tough economic times that one thing that can be put on the wayside is grooming your furry friend. Nothing could be farther than the truth! As a groomer we explore every inch of your dog intimately! Think of it as a very hands on examination!
Recently we were asked by a twitter follower if we had ever really experienced a dog having a "freak out" time on the table and suffice to say that I have been lucky in my many years of experience that this has not happened to me. But what has happened is a dog that had a seizure in the middle of a grooming experience.. just kept calm and held him still so he was not knocking around and calmly called the owner and took him to the vet ASAP. For a dog that is anxious during grooming what I have found helps sometimes is the scent of lavender...very calming almost like a sedative, but it does not last that long.

But seriously I will work with you on price because as I believe you really cannot put a price on the health and well-being of your fur friend and they do really look to you to care for them. Call for quotes on grooming.

Grooming by Melissa 702-756-5810

Monday, March 22, 2010

Check out this dog!! Cuteness..

Okay your fur child will not come home looking like this, unless you want them to! Enjoy and call for grooming specials! For more dog wigs check out http://wigglesdogwigs.com/

Coming tomorrow some great healthy natural treats that your dog will enjoy!

Friday, March 19, 2010

A dog picture is worth a thousand words! Happy customer!

A happy satisfied customer!! Picture really is worth a thousand words!! Call for grooming specials!
Grooming by Melissa
Call or text 702-756-5810 for times available!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Food that you can safely share with your pup pal!

Do you ever feel like sharing food with your pup pal. Besides a well balanced meal there are some items that you can share and are actually quite good. Below is a partial list of some foods that your pup may enjoy!
1. Rice is good to feed when your dog has an upset tummy and needs a bland meal. There are a variety of different types of rice. Brown rice is a little higher in protein and a little lower in fat when compared to white rice. White or instant rice is an easily digestible carbohydrate which makes it a good source of energy when your dog has an upset tummy or if you are feeding an older dog.
2. Squash, like pumpkin, can be added to bulk up his stool and is a good source of betacarotene (provitamin A). Hint: remove the seeds and then slice and freeze the squash to make it a fun, crunchy snack for your dog.
3. Popcorn that has been air popped with no butter or salt is a great lowcalorie treat for your dog. Popcorn contains potassium as well as the bone-building minerals phosphorous, magnesium, and calcium. So snuggle up and share that popcorn with your furry friend next time you watch a movie.
4. Lean meat (chicken, beef, or pork) with no visible fat and no added sauces or seasonings can be a great training treat or can add a bit of good-quality extra protein to your dog’s diet. Lean meat is an excellent, balanced source of amino acids, the building blocks of muscle in your dog’s body. Meat is also a great source of B vitamins (Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin, Pantothenic acid, Pyridoxine, and Cobalamine). These vitamins are involved in energy metabolism in the body.
5. Liver is available freeze-dried in most pet stores and it is a great training treat. You can also buy it fresh in the grocery store to feed at home. Fresh liver can be cooked and then baked to make your own liver treats. Liver is an excellent source of B vitamins (Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin, Pantothenic acid, and Folic acid), Vitamin A, and Vitamin K. It is also a great source of iron. Warning: Too much liver may be toxic to dogs because of its high vitamin A content. Therefore, it is best to limit the amount of liver fed to your dog to not more than 1 g of fresh liver/Kg body weight per day.

I know that our pups enjoy chicken livers which are lightly fried in virgin olive oil!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Here is your dose of cuteness for the day! Also don't forget about the grooming specials going on!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Dog Training - Have You Hugged Your Dog Today?

This is great information for you to know regarding your pup pal!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Dyeing your dog for St. Patrick's Day! Let a Professional take care of it!

It's almost St. Patrick's Day! You can celebrate the "luck of the Irish" with your pup pal if you would like and dye your pal green. However keep in mind that dogs are not people and their skin is more sensitive. So if you decide to be artsy..please use either food coloring or Kool-Aid or a pet safe organic skin dye. However the best way to ensure that your pet is kept safe is to let a Professional take care of it! Grooming by Melissa offers dyeing services and it is only $20 extra! This special is good for XS and Small dogs!

Dogs $25 - $35 Med. Dogs $35 - $45 Large Dogs $45 - $55 Plus I pick up and deliver for an additional $5.00 Call or text 702-756-5810 for times available!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

What my clients say about the level of service!

"In this day and age, it’s hard to find a Groomer you can trust. Grooming By Melissa was recommended to me by a friend, and now I know why – the quality of service I received was outstanding. Keep up the good work Mel”
Sandra Paseoli

What does a grooming experience include?

Grooming Experience
Definition of full service is : Nails clipped and drilled, ears plucked and cleaned, sanitaries neatened, paw pads shaved/trimmed,anal glands expressed, shampoo bath, cut, cologne, bows or bandana.PLUS he/she will smell like a cherry! Small Dogs $25 - $35 Med. Dogs $35 - $45 Large Dogs $45 - $55 Mention facebook or twitter or the blog and receive five dollars off! Plus I pick up and deliver for an additional $5.00 Call or text 702-756-5810 for times available!

Monday, March 8, 2010

If you would like to understand your canine companion Read this article!

Grooming By Melissa This is a great article that helps understand how are Canine companions have evolved!
The Secrets Inside Your Dog's Mind - TIMEwww.time.comOther animals are smarter than dogs, but none (except us) are more sociable. Evolution started the job--and we helped finish it.

Other animals are smarter than dogs, but none (except us) are more sociable. Evolution started the job--and we helped finish it
10 minutes ago · · · Share

Sunday, March 7, 2010

This is Lil Bit! Examples of my grooming work..a cutie pie!

Check out examples of my work..this is Lil Bit just being groomed! Call me for pricing and follow me on twitter @lasvegasgroomer and on Facebook under Grooming by Melissa for specials!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Funny and Cute Dog Photo Contest Entries for Orvis Cover Dog Contest 2009

A nice way to spend a few minutes!! Happy Friday!

Sidenote to the story below..the real deal! PLEASE groom your pup!

Grooming By Melissa
Grooming By Melissa
This is a neat story and I can finally sleep knowing I helped this sweet sweet boy out today! I picked him up @ a house where he was living in the backyard..he was matted so badly the entire pelt came off in one large piece, he had a yeast infection from not being able to lift his tail..I groomed him from top to bottom with two baths and witchhazel and vaseline on the infected areas . Called a great person and dog lover / client that lives in green valley, she said 100% yes and I brought him over to his new home around 6:30 last night, and he's now going to see me once a month, I'm so stoked and happy that this fantastic dog now has a new lease on life..he's approx. three or four years old, gave kisses and ate my sandwich in the car ..this is one of the awesome rewards of why I do what I do and well I might add his tail was up and in the air after he was fully groomed today, poor helpless lil pup with no person voice to tell us what he's been through,, sometimes people really suck!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

It's shavedown and MOHAWK time...groomed and stylish!

Have you been cooped up in the house with your canine pal? Now that the weather is getting better make sure that your dog has a good groom and a new style..like maybe a Mohawk!

Don't pay outrageous grooming prices! A professional groom for a great price!!

Grooming by Melissa

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

I would love to groom your dog. Check out the article and put your mind at easy that I will take care of your pup!

Let Grooming by Melissa help you with some of your dog grooming questions!

What is grooming?

Grooming is more than just a hair cut. It may include bathing, combing, brushing, clipping nails, cutting or shaving mats, cleaning ears, and controlling external parasites.

Why choose a groomer?

You may not have the time, tools, experience, or physical ability to adequately groom your pet. For example, some animals (like poodles) have their fur groomed into particular styles that require a professional. Or a pet may require regular or seasonal clipping, medicated or flea baths, removal of skunk odors or harmful substances, or removal of matted fur. Typically, a trained professional can more safely and humanely handle tricky procedures and temperamental or frightened animals. (Removing severe mats should always be done by an experienced groomer to avoid accidental cuts.) Keep in mind, however, that professional groomers aren't miracle workers; it's up to you to stay on top of your pet's grooming needs.

How do I evaluate a grooming facility?

Before selecting a groomer, tour the facility. Here are some factors to consider during your evaluation:

  • Is the facility well-lit?
  • Does it look and smell clean?
  • Does the staff appear knowledgeable and caring? Do they handle pets gently?
  • Are cages adequately sized? Are dogs and cats caged in separate areas?
  • Are pets monitored regularly to prevent overheating during blow-drying?
  • Does the groomer keep complete pet records (including grooming, medical, vaccination, and emergency contact information)?
  • How much does grooming cost?

Grooming costs vary depending on where you live, your pet's species and size, the severity of matting, and the simplicity or difficulty of the cut. An average fee is $35 for a shampoo and brushing, and $40 for a shampoo and cut. More extensive grooming services cost more. Expect to pay $10–15 more for mobile grooming services that come to your home.

How can I ease my pet's fears?

It's important for your pet to tolerate being groomed, regardless of how often you take him to a professional. To train your pet, groom him briefly when you're both relaxed. For example, begin by gently massaging his coat each morning as you feed him. Gradually introduce a brush or comb. Each day, increase the grooming time and work on different areas. Reward your pet for cooperating. The more comfortable your pet feels with home grooming and around strangers, the better he'll tolerate professional grooming.

What should I do before the first visit?

For the health and safety of both your pet and the groomer, make sure your pet is up-to-date on veterinary treatment, including vaccines and sterilization. Spayed and neutered pets are generally calmer, and sterilized dogs are less likely to bite. (Sterilized pets also enjoy many health benefits and do not contribute to pet overpopulation.) A pet who is particularly nervous or difficult to handle makes the grooming process stressful for both your pet and the groomer. If this sounds like your pet, work with an animal behavior specialist or dog trainer.

When making the appointment, inform the groomer about your pet's needs. To provide special handling, the groomer must know in advance whether your pet is geriatric or has a chronic health condition. Also warn the groomer about any habits that could interfere with safe and successful grooming. Keep in mind, too, that groomers are not licensed to dispense tranquilizers; if your pet needs sedation to be groomed, find a veterinarian who employs a groomer. Finally, when you drop your pet off at the groomer, bid your pet good-bye quickly: Emotional departures will increase your pet's stress level. When you pick up your pet, both of you will enjoy that clean, mat-free coat that makes pets--and their people--more comfortable.

Reprinted with permission from The Humane Society of the United States.