Monday, March 29, 2010

Some more ingredients to be careful and aware of..

Hello Pawrents and Fur Pals!
Here is another section in what ingredients to look for that might be harmful to your canine fur kid!

  • Dry Blood Meal - a very inexpensive source of poor quality protein in some dog and cat foods. Very indigestible!

  • MSG - (Mono Sodium Glutamate) - flavor enhancer used to disguise inferior food quality. Known to potentially cause brain and eye damage. High percentage of allergic reactions in pets & humans.

  • Propyl Gallate - chemical used to retard spoilage and may cause liver damage.

  • Proplylene Glycol - OMG this is a chemical that is used in anti freeze and a solvent in brake fluids! Used as a preservative and a flavor enhancer in foods that makes them taste sweeter!

  • Sodium Nitrate - a carcinogenic preservative and color enhancer. Produces mutagenic changes!

  • Sodium Nitrite - harmful chemical preservative. A source of red coloring. Humans have died from overdoses!

Please keep an eye out for these harmful ingredients in your pet's food. Remember they need us to care for them. Plus you also need to keep in mind that corn, wheat, whey and soy are also major sources of food allergies and can cause hot spots in many pets!

Here's to many happy years with your pet pal!!

Grooming by Melissa

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