Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Importance of having a good groomer..almost like having a good doctor!

Hello Fellow Canine Pawrents and Furry Pals!

You may think that even in these tough economic times that one thing that can be put on the wayside is grooming your furry friend. Nothing could be farther than the truth! As a groomer we explore every inch of your dog intimately! Think of it as a very hands on examination!
Recently we were asked by a twitter follower if we had ever really experienced a dog having a "freak out" time on the table and suffice to say that I have been lucky in my many years of experience that this has not happened to me. But what has happened is a dog that had a seizure in the middle of a grooming experience.. just kept calm and held him still so he was not knocking around and calmly called the owner and took him to the vet ASAP. For a dog that is anxious during grooming what I have found helps sometimes is the scent of lavender...very calming almost like a sedative, but it does not last that long.

But seriously I will work with you on price because as I believe you really cannot put a price on the health and well-being of your fur friend and they do really look to you to care for them. Call for quotes on grooming.

Grooming by Melissa 702-756-5810

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