Wednesday, March 24, 2010

What is healthy to feed your pet? Awareness is the key!

Hello Pawprents and Fur Pals,
Even as we are all faced with tough economic times and there our choices to be made, please take a moment and look at the list below and see if the food that you are feeding your dog has any of the following ingredients. Remember that just as you would not eat processed or fast food every day neither should your pup pal.

Artificial Coloring - this should be a warning. This has no nutritional value and is used to entice the buyer. Can also cause some toxicity. Many humans have had allergic reactions to FD&C RED, YELLOW, No. 5 & No. 7 dyes.

BHA - a perservative and potentially dangerous to the kidneys

BHT - another perservative and more toxic to dogs than BHA

BY Products - of any kind. Defined in Webster's Dictionary "a derivative made from another product" and waste products such as air, connective tissue, feet, claws, beaks, tongues and eyeballs. YES these items could be in your pet's food!

Carcinogen - a cancer causing substance (sodium nitrate ETHOXYQUIN sodium nitrate.)

Corn syrup - this gives good a dampness and flexibility (as in some moist foods and treats) This is pure sugar and your pet can become "addicted" to it. Can also bring on "the finicky eater" syndrome.

Yes my fellow animal pawrents all of these are harmful and if you can avoid them please do. Coming later this week some more ingredients to look out for!

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